4 research outputs found

    Detection of code smells using machine learning techniques combined with data-balancing methods

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    Code smells are prevalent issues in software design that arise when implementation or design principles are violated. These issues manifest as symptoms or anomalies in the source code. Timely identification of code smells plays a crucial role in enhancing software quality and facilitating software maintenance. Previous studies have shown that code smell detection can be accomplished through the utilization of machine learning (ML) methods. However, despite their increasing popularity, research suggests that the suitability of these methods are not always appropriate due to the problem of imbalanced data. Consequently, the effectiveness of ML models may be negatively affected. This study aims to propose a novel method for detecting code smells by employing five ML algorithms, namely decision tree (DT), k-nearest neighbors (K-NN), support vector machine (SVM), XGboost (XGB), and multi-layer perceptron (MLP). Additionally, to tackle the challenge of imbalanced data, the proposed method incorporates the random oversampling technique. Experiments were conducted in this study using four datasets that encompassed code smells, specifically god-class, data-class, long-method, and feature-envy. The experimental outcomes were evaluated and compared using various performance metrics. Upon comparing the outcomes of our models on both the balanced and original datasets, we found that the XGB model achieved the highest accuracy of 100% for detecting the data class and long method on the original datasets. In contrast, the highest accuracy of 100% was obtained for the data class and long method using DT, SVM, and XGB models on the balanced datasets. According to the empirical findings, there is significant promise in using ML techniques for the accurate prediction of code smells

    Tools, processes and factors influencing of code review

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    Code review is the most effective quality assurance strategy in software development where reviewers aim to identify defects and improve the quality of source code of both commercial and open-source software. Ultimately, the main purpose of code review activities is to produce better software products. Review comments are the building blocks of code review. There are many approaches to conduct reviews and analysis source code such as pair programming, informal inspections, and formal inspections. Reviewers are responsible for providing comments and suggestions to improve the quality of the proposed source code modifications. This work aims to succinctly describe code review process, giving a framework of the tools and factors influencing code review to aid reviewers and authors in the code review stages and choose the suitable code review tool

    Comparison of version control system tools

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    Version control systems (VCS) are widely applied at software companies as a collaborative tool and to maintain multiple versions of source code and documentation. VCS is a software tool that manages development of software projects and provides methods to manage several developers working together and track them. Collaboration considers the master purpose of version control systems. Modern VCS supports the parallel development of artifacts using branches and merges. Currently, the version control system adopts on two approaches to software development, the Centralized Version Control System (CVCS) and the Distributed Version Control System (DVCS). This article introduces the concepts and comparison of Version Control Systems and some criteria to consider when selecting